Dear peeps,
We have let our minds wander in regards to the new reality we are finding ourselves in and to say it with the words of Zach Bush (check out his posts!): We ‘strongly believe there is too much bandwidth of the collective human consciousness spent on this topic’ so we are not gonna add anything to that besides a few things:
1. The Dutch Weed Burger just posted an amazing article on their blog that to us says it all.
2. We are not quite sure if we will be able to continue our friday posts during the coming period, but will do our best to offer easy and delicious plant based inspiration, maybe through our stories.
3. Because we see a lot of sadness on social media right now we thought this recipe might cheer you up a bit. Just because a smile can do so much for yourself, your body and the world around you.
We created these Pupcakes in service of World Animal Protection and you can find the recipe here in Dutch. If you need English, Google is your friend ;-). These vegan puppy dogs are worth a translation.
Stay safe!
Maartje & Lisette